Tag Archives: horror

The Luscious Road to 30

In exactly four-and-a-half months, I’ll be hitting a new, important (in society) age – the big 3-0.

For some, it seems as though it’s a daunting age, one where insidious villains steal away the spotlight-filled 20-something moments and replace them with lackluster days turned evenings turned nights. It could be all of the superhero and horror movies that we’re all watching today, where the youngest, prettiest characters save the day and get the guy (or girl) in the end. The oldies are left to ponder the awfulness of the world while their leg is an entree for a zombie family.

For me, this opinion wasn’t so. My early twenties were filled with misconceptions and self-doubt, living in pure survival mode. My mid and late twenties proved to be a bit better, with more awareness of who I am and who I want to be. I stood up for myself in new ways, more kindly and gently than before. Still, the emotional roller coaster that was most of my twenties is almost over – and I’m not lamenting one bit. 

The last few months have brought many changes, both positive and negative. Those changes are paving the way to the road ahead, which is looking green, leafy, and level. Of course, leafy areas can conceal hiding places for zombies, but I think I have watched enough movies to be trained properly for survival.

Follow me as I walk down this path, won’t you?

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